Anmol Mansoor Ali Jumani

Anmol Mansoor Ali Jumani

Class of 2023
BS Computer Science

Aspiration Statement

I am a passionate computer scientist who aspires to become a successful UI/UX designer, software developer, content writer, and speaker in the future. My ultimate goal is to work for and with people to achieve mutual success.

Core Skills

  • C++
  • Communication Skills
  • Content Writing (English and Urdu)
  • CSS
  • Filter and Network Visualizations (R)
  • Github
  • HTML
  • Java

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • HU TOPS 100% Scholarship


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Led Projects i.e., Akhuwat and Pockets of Love, Habib University
  • Ambassador, Volunteer and Co Lead, Participants and Relations Team, Meditechx
  • Member of CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), Hyderabad for 2 years

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • IT Intern, Soneri Bank, Faqir Jo Pir Branch (June 2022 – August 2022)

Final Year Project

Project Title



Our project aims to create a decentralized application addressing data security and authenticity in storage and sharing, and credibility in identity management systems. We are adopting multichain to create a managed blockchain with three modules: user, issuer, and authenticator ends. Issuers can safely upload, preserve data, and authenticate any entity, including their own workers, providing verifiable credentials stored on the user's end, shareable with third-party verifiers. As immutability is a property of blockchain technology, there is no chance of data corruption or forgery, making the verifier confident in the information provided. The final product will feature an e-wallet app for users and a website for issuers and verifiers. Our project seeks to offer a safe and secure decentralized platform, making data sharing and storage more trustworthy for all parties involved.